Deep Track Designs

Boldometer: Exploring Your Decorator Bold

Elizabeth Becken Season 1 Episode 5

Smoothyblues’ Elizabeth Becken is at it again! This time around, she’s tipping her hat to the Dutch rock band, Shocking Blue. The 1969 hit song is Venus, sung by lead vocalist, Mariska Veres.

Elizabeth and her co-host do their share of bad singing on this podcast track. She may need to consider adding a “bad-singing acceptance” button, sort of like a “cookies” button, to her podcast webpage. 

Besides being undeniably bold, you may ask why this song for this track?

It’s pure and simple – Elizabeth wants to make sure all her Deep Track Designs listeners, clients, and visitors to her website understand this about decorating their homes: “Yeah, baby," you got it!

She has shared the message of her philosophy-driven design approach since the very start of her interior design business. Elizabeth’s niche is creating bold and beautiful spaces to reflect your personal level of bold. It’s her belief that we're all at our best when we push our limits, and she doesn’t think one’s personal surroundings should be excluded from the party!

So, Elizabeth built a comprehensive design quiz to help visitors discover their level of decorator bold.  She says, “The Boldometer Quiz is not your average quiz.”

Quiz takers can expect to get real time design inspiration and advice in five minutes! There are four possible results: Toe-Dipper, Drama-Seeker, Boldster, and On FireEach result is accompanied by its own thermometer, a dozen beautiful inspiration images, 10 or so design tips, and a handful of design style suggestions. Then, as an extra bonus, you can adjust your own Boldometer temperature…Turn it up or down with just one final click of a button. Voila, experience the inspiration for all four results!

But... Elizabeth doesn’t give away all her secrets behind this closed door. She warns listeners that they will be missing out if they don’t take the quiz and compares this hidden, expansive part of her website to an amusement park just waiting for you to take a wild ride!

Click the link below to take the quiz and see for yourself.