Deep Track Designs

Leather and Lace: Design Compromise for Couples

Elizabeth Becken Season 1 Episode 2

When you hear these two words, leather and lace, your mind probably drifts off to the Stevie Nicks and Don Henley romantic duet, which was masterfully written by the Fleetwood Mac sweetheart in 1981.

But sit tight, because...

Elizabeth Becken not only takes this song to a different level, she makes this song a hit once again with her unusual choice to dissect the lyrics in a manner in which they relate a commonplace struggle couples have – deciding how to put their homes together amicably. Although both the melody and the words may make your heart melt, her main goal is to help couples avoid having a meltdown with her newly remastered version of Leather and Lace. 

Whether you're talking "my city, your mountain" or leather and lace, there will be a time when couples simply need to learn how to compromise, communicate, and demonstrate their true compassion for each other. When couples are preparing for the blending of two households, there's just no escaping all that yin and yang. Fortunately, Elizabeth has gathered some really helpful advice specific to this topic.

Over her career, she explains how she's been able to narrow a list down to five types of couples ranging from those who have exactly the same design tastes to those who plain do not agree on anything, period. Plus, she takes the time to describe everything in between.

Elizabeth also reinforces the importance of editing belongings before signing on the dotted line for, likely, the biggest merger of one's lifetime. Have no fear! Elizabeth spells out some tried and true tips that are super easy to follow. Then, if all else fails, she embraces her Behavioral Science degree and lays down some hard and fast rules that, ultimately, result in a good healthy mix of each other's style. 

"Give to me your leather... Take from me my lace." - Stevie Nicks